Upskilling and Leadership Training

Drink provides professional development opportunities to enhance skills, knowledge, and expertise of employees. These seminars and training also provided the latest updates on sustainability, reporting, and organizational development to strengthen the capabilities of each department. Latest Developments on SEC Financial Reporting This webinar helps one gain a better understanding of the SEC’s financial reporting requirements […]
GHG Emissions Accounting: Let us help you pave the way for a Net Zero Economy

As we face the looming issue of a changing climate, solutions must be found to mitigate its impact and transition to a more sustainable future. One such solution that is gaining traction is the transition to a net zero economy. Drink CEO Harris Guevarra describes net zero as achieving a balance between the amount of […]
More than communications: Driving positive change through GHG emissions accounting

Drink celebrated 13 years in the industry this June 2023. That means 13 years of partnership and collaboration with corporations, non-governmental organizations, foundations, and advocacy groups for sustainability communication needs. During this time, we produced together 130 annual and sustainability reports and more than a hundred materials and programs for sustainability and development communications. While […]
Building Leadership in Sustainability

It is reporting season once again and Drink is here to help different companies tell their stories. With a strategy that is honed, tried, and tested for over 12 years, we are your partner in making your sustainability-related projects come to life. One of the secrets to a great report— other than having a clear […]
Continuous Growth, New Frontiers

Celebrating 40 Years of Progress with Pilipinas Shell Foundation Inc. (PSFI) Drink is currently working with PSFI this 2023 for their 2022 Annual Report, website upgrade, and other digital communications for the year. Last year, PSFI celebrated their 40th year of operations in the Philippines. PSFI’s main focus is on health, education, livelihood, energy, and […]
Drink Clients Win at the 17th Philippine Quill Awards

Drink Sustainability Communications is proud to have not one, not two, but three long-time partners as winners at the recently concluded 17th Philippine Quill Awards! On Aug. 30, 2019, Maynilad Water Services, Inc., and Philex Mining Corporation were recognized for their 2017 Sustainability Reports, with Maynilad’s “Expanding Horizons” and Philex’s “Balance” taking home Quill Awards […]
Drink at PCPPI’s Inaugural Annual and Sustainability Report Launch

Our CEO Harris Guevarra discusses sustainability and Drink’s partnership with Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. (PCPPI) at the media launch for PCPPI’s inaugural Annual and Sustainability Report. Drink discussed the sustainability reporting process and its value as a necessary first step towards achieving a more sustainable organization. Alongside Mr. Guevarra, PCPPI’s Senior Vice President Allan Frias […]
The report is just the beginning: URC taps Drink to create sustainability report, microsite, and AVP

At Drink, we believe that creating a sustainability report is just the start. Reaching out to your stakeholders and bridging communication gaps is what will truly deliver results. Working with clients who want to maximize communication channels is something that we always look forward to. In 2016, Universal Robina Corporation (URC), the first Philippine multinational, […]
The Materiality Principle: Zeroing in on Pilipinas Shell’s most important issues

Behind the numbers, you find the people that matter. At Drink, we believe that a sustainability report should be a tool to help companies understand and communicate what is truly important: how their environmental, social, and economic performance impacts their key stakeholders. “At Pilipinas Shell, sustainability means strengthening our operations to allow us to become […]
A collaborative first: Crafting UnionBank of the Philippines’ first sustainability report

What if a bank can do more? This was a question posed to the executives and employees of UnionBank of the Philippines (UnionBank), a publicly listed universal corporate and retail bank in the Philippines, that provides financial services to top corporations, retired pensioners, and small and medium enterprises. With the help of Drink Editorial and […]