Jo Poblete talk

Last February, former Drink Editorial Head Johanna Poblete shared her practical and people-driven approach to our growing Editorial department. “Be kind and trust each other” is easily our favorite takeaway from the session.
First Gen

The energy industry is the top contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions. First Gen Corporation recognizes that 100% clean and renewable energy will take time due to current technological limitations. Despite this, the company continues to generate the cleanest possible energy from natural gas sources which emit much lower carbon than coal. Drink has been […]
2021 ASRA & AIRA winners
Two of our works have received recognition at the 2021 Asia Integrated Reporting Awards (AIRA). Congratulations to First Gen Corporation and Energy Development Corporation! Now in its 7th year, the AIRA is the most prestigious international recognition for integrated reporting. Only 3 companies from the Philippines have managed to win an AIRA trophy this year. […]
Eagle Cement Sustainability Kickoff & Story Conference last month – led by Harris and JPA as CEOs
Last February, Drink facilitated the virtual Sustainability Kickoff and Story Conference for the 2021 Eagle Cement Corporation Sustainability Report. The landmark event was led by fellow CEOs Harris Guevarra of Drink and John Paul Ang of Eagle Cement. We are very excited to be part of the sustainability journey of another proudly Filipino company!
In 2020, Emperador Distillers, Inc. (EDI) saved 364,320 cubic meters of water through reverse osmosis purification as part of their water conservation program. Drink has supported EDI in communicating their sustainability initiatives since 2020, and continues this partnership in delivering EDI’s upcoming 2021 Annual and Sustainability Report. Read EDI’s sustainability initiatives in their 2020 Annual […]

The pandemic significantly lowered coconut and copra prices which led to lower income for farmers, the country’s agricultural frontliners. To resolve this issue, Axelum began directly buying coconuts from farmers instead of purchasing from traders. Drink has been partners with Axelum in creating their sustainability branding, Annual Reports, and Sustainability Reports since 2019. Read more […]
PBCWE policy forum and report launch

Many traditional business practices are inherently unsustainable because they miss out on the advantages of workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion. Fortunately, the Philippine Business Coalition for Women Empowerment, Investing In Women, and UN Women Asia and the Pacific will be launching two valuable resources this Friday, March 4, to inform corporate sustainability reporting and strategies […]

First Philippine Holdings calls for a collaborative effort in lessening greenhouse gas emissions as climate conditions continuously worsen. As FPH’s partner in delivering their integrated report over the years, Drink continues to support their climate awareness empowerment and sustainability initiatives. Read the entire FPH 2020 Integrated Report at
CREIT 2021 AR 2-year partnership

Citicore Energy REIT Corp., the first Renewable Energy Real Estate Investment Trust in the Philippines, has signed a 2-year partnership with Drink!

Cebu Pacific Air, the country’s leading airline, implemented safety protocols in elevating their customer’s travel experience. These innovations include digital contactless transactions, disinfection procedures, and the use of Traze, Cebu Pacific’s contact tracing app. Drink helped Cebu Pacific develop their 2020 Annual and Sustainability Report (ASR) titled “Uplift!” to showcase these innovations and other sustainability […]